Hydrogen Water is an Athlete’s Best Friend
What if I told you that there was a drink that could not only hydrate you, it could also help improve your athletic performance? If you’re an athlete, you would probably want to know more. Fortunately, there is such a beverage, and you may be surprised to learn that this new energy drink is inexpensive, […]
Oxidative Stress What is it and how can we reduce it
You’ve probably heard the term ‘free radical’ before but you may not really know what it means. With every breath, we take in the oxygen we need to live. Our bodies essentially “burn” that oxygen in a chemical reaction that produces energy while also releasing some unstable oxygen molecules called reactive oxygen species (ROS) or […]
Anti-Allergy Benefits of Hydrogen
Are you plagued by allergies? You’re not alone. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), allergies are the most common health issues affecting children in the U.S and more than 50 million Americans, children and adults, are affected by allergies of one form or another every year. The good news is there […]
Hydrogen Water – An Efficient Antioxidant to Remove ROS from our Body
Molecular Hydrogen as a Novel Antioxidant: Overview of the Advantages of Hydrogen for Medical Applications
Molecular hydrogen (H2) was believed to be inert and nonfunctional in mammalian cells. We overturned this concept by demonstrating that H2 reacts with highly reactive oxidants such as hydroxyl radical (•OH) and peroxynitrite (ONOO) inside cells H2 has several advantages exhibiting marked effects for medical applications: it is mild enough neither to disturb metabolic redox […]
Hydrogen Water Could Help Reduce Free Radical Activity
“The results of clinical trial showed that hydrogen water reduces oxygen free radicals that contribute to aging, and is effective in the treatment of diseases such as atopic dermatitis and dementia. The condition of the children with atopic dermatitis improved after taking two months of hydrogen water bath. Korea has entered a stage where elderly […]
H2: A Must for Serious Athletes
As the points keep piling up in the win column for molecular hydrogen, we wondered if this new scientific breakthrough would help athletes. For those that want to read the last paragraph of the book first, here is a quick summary of what we discovered from ten independent and published scientific studies: prevents early fatigue […]
H2: Antioxidant-Power Over Diabetes & Other Diseases
Beneficial biological effects and the underlying mechanisms of molecular hydrogen – comprehensive review of 321 original articles
Therapeutic effects of molecular hydrogen for a wide range of disease models and human diseases have been investigated since 2007. A total of 321 original articles have been published from 2007 to June 2015. Most studies have been conducted in Japan, China, and the USA. About three-quarters of the articles show the effects in mice […]