
The numerous health benefits of drinking water rich in molecular hydrogen




Improving Diabetes


Anti-Cell Death

Radiation Protection

DNA & RNA Protection

Liver Protection

Increasing Glucose Uptake

Improving Endurance

Fastest Injury Recovery

Cell Modulation


The major cause of an inflammation response in our bodies is because of the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). ROS is chemically reactive radical containing oxygen and is mostly formed as a byproduct of the body’s normal metabolism of oxygen. ROS has an important role in communication between cells and regulation of substances that move in and out of cells. However when in stress, the body reacts by giving an over-supply of ROS which in turn causes oxidative stress with effects such as inflammation The hydroxyl radical ( OH) is said to be the most harmful of ROS. Drinking hydrogen rich water is beneficial in dealing with the excess production of ROS ( OH). The Molecular hydrogen (H2) In the hydrogen rich water selectively bonds with the hydroxyl radical ( OH) producing the all beneficial water in the cells.

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inflamed Skin


Allergies are conditions that conditions caused by the immune system overreacting to something in the environment that most people don’t react to. This kind of reaction causes and oversupply of Reactive Oxygen species ( ROS) which inhibits communication between cells( cell Signaling). Drinking hydrogen rich water assists in modulating the cell signaling pathways.

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Recent extensive studies have revealed that molecular hydrogen (H(2)) has great potential for improving oxidative stress-related diseases by inhaling H(2) gas, injecting saline with dissolved H(2), or drinking water with dissolved H(2) (H(2)-water); however, little is known about the dynamic movement of H(2) in a body. First, we show that hepatic glycogen accumulates H(2) after oral administration of H(2)-water, explaining why consumption of even a small amount of H(2) over a short span time efficiently improves various disease models. This finding was supported by an in vitro experiment in which glycogen solution maintained H(2). Next, we examined the benefit of ad libitum drinking H(2)-water to type 2 diabetes using db/db obesity model mice lacking the functional leptin receptor. Drinking H(2)-water reduced hepatic oxidative stress, and significantly alleviated fatty liver in db/db mice as well as high fat-diet-induced fatty liver in wild-type mice. Long-term drinking H(2)-water significantly controlled fat and body weights, despite no increase in consumption of diet and water. Moreover, drinking H(2)-water decreased levels of plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride, the effect of which on hyperglycemia was similar to diet restriction. To examine how drinking H(2)-water improves obesity and metabolic parameters at the molecular level, we examined gene-expression profiles, and found enhanced expression of a hepatic hormone, fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), which functions to enhance fatty acid and glucose expenditure. Indeed, H(2) stimulated energy metabolism as measured by oxygen consumption. The present results suggest the potential benefit of H(2) in improving obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.


Improving Diabetes

Hydrogen rich water has great benefits to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus or those with impaired glucose tolerance. Hydrogen rich water normalizes oral glucose tolerance and has a beneficial role in increasing insulin sensitivity.

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The human body is made up of many types of cells that are constantly dividing to produce new, younger cells that can “take over” for aging or damaged cells. Through this process, the body heals its injuries and keeps tissues healthy. When the process of replacement gets out of hand, new cells continue to be produced even when cells do not need to be replaced. These additional cells form a lump of extra tissue which is referred to as a tumor

Sometimes, this process gets out of control, and new cells continue to be produced even when they are not needed, forming a clump of extra tissue, a tumor. Consuming hydrogen rich water assists the body in boosting cell signaling so that there is no unnecessary production of cells.

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Anti-Cell Death

Drinking hydrogen water prevents premature cell death. Due to its anti-oxidant capabilities, molecular hydrogen in the water is able to selectively scavenge the Reactive Oxygen Species that causes oxidative stress and thus premature cell death. In addition, molecular hydrogen also triggers the activation or up regulation of additional antioxidant enzymes (e.g. glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, etc.) and/or cytoprotective proteins of the body. This way, the cells do not suffer oxidative stress.


Radiation Protection

Protects against harmful radiation in radiation treatment

Radiotherapy is associated with an increase in Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), followed by damage to DNA, lipids, and proteins. Use of Hydrogen rich water during radiation treatment has the benefit of reducing the biological reaction to radiation-induced oxidative stress. Hydrogen-rich water protects against the hydroxyl radicals produced during irradiation. This is achieved without compromising radiotherapy’s anti-tumor effects.

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DNA & RNA Protection

Reactive oxygen species is thought to cause extensive oxidative damage to various biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, and protein. Drinking hydrogen rich water protects the DNA and RNA. Due to its size, molecular hydrogen can easily move through the cells and scavenge the cytotoxic oxygen radicals, thus protecting the DNA, RNA and proteins from oxidative stress. Use of hydrogen rich water has also been proven to prevent breaks in DNA strands.

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Liver Protection

Liver Protection by Preventing Lipid Oxidation

Lipid metabolism is the break down or storage of fats for energy; these fats are obtained from consuming food and absorbing them or they are synthesized by the liver. By eliminating the hydroxyl radical(OH) and peroxonitrite (ONOO–) ions, molecular hydrogen effectively reduces the effect of oxidative lipid and DNA degradation. Hydrogen water also improves cellular antioxidant capacity, and then protects cells against oxidant damage.

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Increasing Glucose Uptake

The source of energy in our bodies is ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). H2 Water increases energy by supporting mitochondrial Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production i.e. Hydrogen rich water improves the production of ATP in the mitochondria of our cells.

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H2: A Must for Serious Athletes


Improving Endurance

Prevents Early Fatigue & Helps Increase Endurance for High Energy Individuals

Athletes and high energy individuals can also get immense benefits from the H2 rich water as it prevents early fatigue and helps endurance. H2 Water increases energy by supporting mitochondrial Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. The source of energy in our bodies is ATP, providing the energy for most of the energy-consuming activities of the cell. Consumption of hydrogen rich water also reduces lactic acid formation in muscles therefore preventing fatigue in the body.

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Fastest Injury Recovery

Supports Rapid Recovery From Injuries

Drinking hydrogen rich water reduces oxidative damage by blocking free radical production from over training for athletes. As an additional benefit, H2 water supports rapid recovery when there is injury.

Supports Rapid Recovery From Injuries

H2: A Must for Serious Athletes


Cell Modulation

Due to the benefits of drinking hydrogen rich water, in cell signaling

Due to the ability of molecular hydrogen in hydrogen rich water to, t Molecular hydrogen may be a novel-signaling molecule that can alter cell signaling,10 cell metabolism11 and gene expression.12 This gives the anti-inflammatory effects, anti-allergic effects, and anti-apoptotic (or anti-cell death) effects.


Three Main Properties

that explain hydrogen’s therapeutic effects

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