What is hydrogen water (and does it actually work)?

hydrogen water

Back in high school science class, you probably learned that the chemical formula for water is H2O. That’s two parts hydrogen for every one part oxygen. So if water is already made of up hydrogen, what is this hydrogen water you keep hearing about? And should you bother drinking it? Hydrogen water is water with […]

Inflammation: What is it and how can molecular hydrogen help reduce it

reduce inflammation with hydrogen

What do you think of when you hear the word, “inflammation?” If you’re like most, you think of inflammation as a harmful process within the body that leads to disease. While that is partially true, it’s not the whole story. To better understand your health, it’s important to understand the role that inflammation plays in […]

Molecular hydrogen shows great potential in treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's disease

According to the latest statistics, more than 5 million Americans are currently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and by 2050, it’s estimated that as many as 16 million Americans will have the condition. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease that destroys a sufferer’s memory and cognitive skills. The damage it causes is irreversible and, frighteningly, […]

Molecular Hydrogen: Here’s why it works and what it can do for you

molecular hydrogen

In 1520, Swiss physician and chemist Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus discovered hydrogen gas when he burned metal and acid and unwittingly collected a gas as a by-product of the reaction. At the time, Paracelsus had no idea what this new gas was or how important it would become. Today, 500 years after its first discovery, researchers […]

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs Hydrogen Water: awesome pilot study! by Tywon Hubbard

rheumatoid arthritis

“Consumption of water containing a high concentration of molecular hydrogen reduces oxidative stress and disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: an open-label pilot study” Full study here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3563451/?fbclid=IwAR1weXaWiEZo2nJ0sthNZPwfJBdzZFIY7kD9Yzq0-IHq6thmERF_RfE37vY

Hydrogen Water Baths Prove To Be An Effective Remedy for Psoriasis

Hydrogen water baths Psoriasis

Do you want to know the worst thing about psoriasis? Psoriasis is a common skin condition characterized by an excessive build up of skin cells that cause swelling as well as scales and plaques on the skin that can be painful and itchy. But the worst part about psoriasis is not the red, irritated scales […]

Hydrogen Water and Diabetes: The Nordenau Effect

Diabetes on hydrogen

You have probably never heard of the tiny town of Nordenau. The small village located in northern Germany has only 215 inhabitants and from 1867 until shortly after the end of World War II, its only claim to fame was a slate mine located in the center of the town. When the mine shut down, […]