Worried about your eye health? Hydrogen can help.
For most of us, our vision and eye health is something we take for granted. If our eyes hurt or our vision becomes blurry, we may seek treatment, but we rarely think about the diseases that could be affecting our ocular health each day. Yet from cataracts to diabetic retinopathy, many of these eye diseases […]
The 4 things you must know about hydrogen inhalation
Curious about molecular hydrogen and how it may help you? There are two ways to intake molecular hydrogen – by drinking hydrogen water (or water that has been infused with hydrogen,) or by inhaling hydrogen gas. For more info on drinking hydrogen water, you can check out this post. In this post, we will attempt […]
Sleep apnea’s dangerous effects to your health and how hydrogen can help
Do you regularly feel exhausted, even after a full night’s sleep? Do you fall asleep easily whenever you are sedentary throughout the day? Has your partner complained about your nightly snoring? It’s possible that you might have sleep apnea, and it might be harming more than just your night’s sleep. Sleep apnea is a condition […]
How hydrogen water can help improve your vascular health
How much do you know about your vascular health? You’ve probably heard big, scary words like atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis bantered around, but do you know what they mean and how they might affect you? Let’s take a deep dive into your vascular system and how hydrogen water may help to improve your vascular health. Your […]
What’s the difference between alkaline water and hydrogen water?
Fancy waters are all the rage these days and many claim to have health benefits above and beyond what you would get from the tap. Two that are often confused with one another are alkaline water and hydrogen water. But only one of these waters can actually benefit your health. Here’s everything you need to […]
Got allergic rhinitis? Hydrogen can help.
Allergic rhinitis. Hay fever. Seasonal Allergies. Call it whatever name you like, if you suffer from it, you know it as the itchy, runny (or stuffy) nose and burning, watery eyes that occur whenever you are exposed to an allergen. For some, allergic rhinitis is triggered by seasonal factors such as mold spores, pollen, or […]
Measuring your hydrogen levels (and why it’s important)
Are you ready to do some math? Don’t worry, you won’t need to break out the pencil and calculator. But if you’re interested in learning more about how hydrogen water and hydrogen gas can improve your health, it’s important to know a but more about the numbers used in their production. If you’re shopping for […]
Hydrogen gas offers a breath of fresh air for asthma sufferers
If you have asthma, or you know someone who does, you already know how quickly this disease can take your breath away. Asthma is a chronic respiratory ailment that affects the amount of air going into and out of the lungs. For people with asthma, the airways of the lungs are always slightly inflamed. This […]
Suffering from NAFLD? Hydrogen water can help.
NAFLD, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is rapidly becoming the most common liver disease throughout the world. With 3 million new cases identified each year in the U.S. alone, experts estimate that the disease affects 30 percent of American adults and that number is only expected to rise. This disease is characterized by fatty deposits […]