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Inflammation: What is it and how can molecular hydrogen help reduce it

reduce inflammation with hydrogen

reduce inflammation with hydrogen

What do you think of when you hear the word, “inflammation?” If you’re like most, you think of inflammation as a harmful process within the body that leads to disease. While that is partially true, it’s not the whole story. To better understand your health, it’s important to understand the role that inflammation plays in your body and how and why it may become a problem.

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to infection and injury. When a part of the body becomes wounded or infected, the immune system floods the area with blood – specifically, white blood cells – to fend off viruses and bacteria and begin the healing process. This is what we feel as inflammation and it’s actually a healthy and crucial phase of recovery.

However, sometimes the immune system gets stuck in the inflammation phase. This is known as chronic inflammation and it is this condition that can lead to disease. Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, and even some cancers.

Unlike the swelling and redness often associated with acute inflammation, chronic inflammation is a less-intense but longer lasting condition, so it often does not cause any noticeable symptoms. Instead, the body is constantly signaling the immune system to respond to a threat, even when one does not exist. White blood cells are released but they have nowhere to go and as a result they start attacking healthy cells and tissues.

So how can you make sure your body’s inflammatory process doesn’t get out of control? One way is to reduce your overall exposure to components that trigger inflammation such as pollution, chemicals, fried foods, processed sugar, and red meat. Including anti-inflammatory foods in your diet such as olive oil, leafy greens, fish, nuts, and fruit can help keep inflammation in check as can increasing levels of molecular hydrogen within your body via the consumption of hydrogen rich water or the inhalation of hydrogen gas via a hydrogen breathing machine.

Hydrogen is a natural element that can help reduce chronic inflammation by neutralizing those rogue white blood cells before they become a problem. Hydrogen also helps reduce the production of enzymes that cause inflammation while increasing the level of enzymes that keep inflammation in check. For more details about how hydrogen works to reduce inflammation, check out this quick yet informative video:

Molecular hydrogen is a safe and effective anti-inflammatory that can help keep healthy levels of inflammation in your body from becoming a chronic condition.

Video courtesy of Tywon Hubbard.

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