Cell Modulation

Due to the benefits of drinking hydrogen rich water, in cell signaling Due to the ability of molecular hydrogen in hydrogen rich water to, t Molecular hydrogen may be a novel-signaling molecule that can alter cell signaling,10 cell metabolism11 and gene expression.12 This gives the anti-inflammatory effects, anti-allergic effects, and anti-apoptotic (or anti-cell death) effects.
Fastest Injury Recovery
Supports Rapid Recovery From Injuries Drinking hydrogen rich water reduces oxidative damage by blocking free radical production from over training for athletes. As an additional benefit, H2 water supports rapid recovery when there is injury. Supports Rapid Recovery From Injuries H2: A Must for Serious Athletes
Improving Endurance

Prevents Early Fatigue & Helps Increase Endurance for High Energy Individuals Athletes and high energy individuals can also get immense benefits from the H2 rich water as it prevents early fatigue and helps endurance. H2 Water increases energy by supporting mitochondrial Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. The source of energy in our bodies is ATP, providing […]
Increasing Glucose Uptake

The source of energy in our bodies is ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). H2 Water increases energy by supporting mitochondrial Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production i.e. Hydrogen rich water improves the production of ATP in the mitochondria of our cells. Interesting reads on this topic H2: A Must for Serious Athletes
Liver Protection

Liver Protection by Preventing Lipid Oxidation Lipid metabolism is the break down or storage of fats for energy; these fats are obtained from consuming food and absorbing them or they are synthesized by the liver. By eliminating the hydroxyl radical(OH) and peroxonitrite (ONOO–) ions, molecular hydrogen effectively reduces the effect of oxidative lipid and DNA […]
DNA & RNA Protection

Reactive oxygen species is thought to cause extensive oxidative damage to various biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, and protein. Drinking hydrogen rich water protects the DNA and RNA. Due to its size, molecular hydrogen can easily move through the cells and scavenge the cytotoxic oxygen radicals, thus protecting the DNA, RNA and proteins from oxidative […]
Radiation Protection

Protects against harmful radiation in radiation treatment Radiotherapy is associated with an increase in Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), followed by damage to DNA, lipids, and proteins. Use of Hydrogen rich water during radiation treatment has the benefit of reducing the biological reaction to radiation-induced oxidative stress. Hydrogen-rich water protects against the hydroxyl radicals produced during […]
Anti-Cell Death

Drinking hydrogen water prevents premature cell death. Due to its anti-oxidant capabilities, molecular hydrogen in the water is able to selectively scavenge the Reactive Oxygen Species that causes oxidative stress and thus premature cell death. In addition, molecular hydrogen also triggers the activation or up regulation of additional antioxidant enzymes (e.g. glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, […]

The human body is made up of many types of cells that are constantly dividing to produce new, younger cells that can “take over” for aging or damaged cells. Through this process, the body heals its injuries and keeps tissues healthy. When the process of replacement gets out of hand, new cells continue to be […]